Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Be The Magician Of Your Life

Be the magician of your life. Do not wait for others to bring their energy, creative power, or character to make you whole. You are a divine spark of God's love manifest on this earth for this time and for a specific purpose. You hold divine power in your hands and it is by setting your will, your mind, and your emotions in alignment with what you want to create that you will manifest that which you desire.

Do you see the image of the magician on the card below? The magician is in a contemplative, and meditative pose yet is full of action and energy. This shows that the magician is in touch with their inner core and knows that their power comes from being centered and connected to both the earth and Spirit. The top of the magician's head, where the crown chakra is located, is affixed with an infinity symbol. There is nothing you cannot create when you are connected to Spirit and serve as a channel for the highest good of all.

How is your energy today? Do you feel like the master magician that you are? Are you taking control and authority of your life by setting your intentions and then bringing them into manifestation through your own divine power?

Meditation is connecting to the divine spark within you. Prayer is connecting to the divine outside of you. By bringing your body, spirit, mind, will, and emotions into balance, you will purify your aura, hear from Spirit clearly, and use your creative gifts to manifest the things you intend to bring into reality.

This world is designed to rob you of your divine power. Media, the news, and the daily struggles of life, all blind us to our own power and purpose. How easy it is to forget that we are lightworkers here to channel and reflect divine love. So too, we are often led astray by the hustle and bustle of daily life that we lose touch with our power core. We lose faith in our own innate gifts and abilities and sometimes become stagnant waiting for someone with "great power" to come and give us some of theirs. 

Please take another look at the Magician tarot card and notice how the magician is seated and has both hands in motion. From your very hands and palm chakras comes the power to create and heal. This is where your energy centers are located that results in the gift of laying on of hands to heal.

Not only does this energy center heal physically, spiritually, and emotionally, but it is also creative. You have the power to spark universes into existence. Align your purpose with the divine purpose of Spirit and watch as miracles manifest.

You are magic. Be the magician in your life.